We co-create brands that make a difference.

We integrate for

brand experience design for Purpose-Driven Companies.

We integrate strategy, sustainability and brand experience

design for Purpose-Driven Companies.

We support the development of a sustainability

of a sustainability strategy aligned to the core business. Our processes and methodologies are adapted to both SMEs and large organizations to develop a sustainability strategy aligned to the business.

We create brand experiences focused on people by extending our view towards the community and the planet.

We create brand experiences focused on people by extending our view towards the community and the planet.


Our processes and methodologies are adapted to both SMEs and large organizations to develop a sustainability strategy aligned with the business.

We help projects with sustainable DNA to develop a communication strategy that seeks to convey their impact.

Talking about sustainability does not have the same process as talking about any other topic.

Making your sustainability Road Map allows you to know your current situation and thus design a solid and safe strategy to communicate your sustainable actions with coherence.

Do you have your sustainability
sustainability road map?

Do you have your sustainability Road Map?


Acompañamos a proyectos con ADN sustentable a desarrollar una estrategia de comunicación que busca transmitir su impacto.

Hablar de sustentabilidad no tiene el mismo proceso que hablar de cualquier otro tema.

Our purpose

We create people-focused brand experiences by extending our gaze to the community and the planet.

and the planet.

Our purpose

We create people-focused brand experiences

on people by broadening our focus to the community

to the community and the planet.

They trust us

  Te mostramos algunos

We work with companies and brands
of different industries and sizes
to accompany them on their journey
towards a new economy.

Patagonia Inc.

We empower and drive the brand's purpose.

"The best aspect of Emprendia, in addition to its impeccable ethics and professionalism at the highest global level, is its team that makes you feel part of the family from day one. They are a fundamental pillar in Patagoni's mission to save our home, planet earth."

Agustín Fox

Director - Patagonia, Inc. Argentina Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Playing For Change.

We scale impact and generate events with purpose.

"It was a real honor for Playing For Change to partner and collaborate with Emprendia! They are a fellow B-company and together we share the idea that we need to be the change we want to see in the world. One heart at a time!"

Mark JohnsonCo-Founder - Playing For Change


Diseñamos y acompañamos la implementación de festivales de impacto.

“Emprendia nos ha acompañado desde la co-creacióny ha estimulado el vínculo horizontal hacia unacreatividad conjunta que permite que seamos actoresde cambio y que recordemos siempre que somoscanales de ideas y de acciones entre las generacionesque existieron, las que existen y las que vendrán.”

Alex Pryor
Fundador & Chief Cebator Officer - Guayaki


We adapted the global sustainability strategy for the region.

Working together with Emprendia, articulating and building a strategic approach on a priority and multidimensional issue was an intense and enriching challenge. Getting together to think, disagree, agree, but above all, to co-create, was an exciting experience."

Mariana Reñe
Manager of Sustainability and Internal Communication - SOCO Unilever Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)